Our goal is to deliver the best freediving courses in Australia, opening up the world of freediving to everyone.
The PADI Advanced Freediver is the freediving course to take you to the next level. It will teach you techniques and safety procedures needed for deeper freediving, and it will prepare you for more serious freediving training.
In a group of no more than 8 people you will gain the knowledge and skills to:
Hold your breath for up to 4 minutes
Freedive up to 24 metres deep
Use advanced equalisation techniques
Understand pressure-related risks and safety procedures at greater depths
Develop your own training plan with your buddies

PADI Advanced Freediver Course
What’s included
3hr Theory Workshop
2hr Pool Session
2 Ocean (Line) Dives
PADI E-Learning Materials and Certification Fees
One FREE pool or open water session after the course if you don't finish all of your requirements
Freediving Equipment - Mask/Snorkel/Fins/Weights - HIRE AVAILABLE DURING BOOKING
Wetsuits - We recommend that all students at Advanced level invest in a proper freediving wetsuit
Transport - We recommend bringing a vehicle or contacting us ahead of time to arrange car-pooling
Timing and logistics
9am Meet
9am - 12pm Theory and Breathwork
12noon - 1pm Break
1pm - 3pm Pool / Confined Water Session
3.30pm Finish for Day 1
8am Meet
8.30am - 2pm Line Diving (with break)
12noon - 1pm Break
2pm Return to Shore and Celebrate!
“Pretty special to have those rare new experiences that blow you away like that. Those two days are going down as the highlight of my year for sure”
Immersia Freediving Student